Author: Asian Egg Bank

  • Managing Stress Levels When Trying to Conceive

    There’s no doubt about it — infertility is stressful. From the way you feel about yourself to your relationship with your partner, infertility can deeply affect your emotional and mental health. Though your situation can seem overwhelming at times, there are things you can do to both manage your stress levels and increase your chances…

  • Will My Baby Look Like Me if I Use a Donor Egg?

    Advancements in science have brought many amazing opportunities to people facing infertility problems of all sorts. Surrogacy, in vitro fertilization, donor eggs, and many other techniques can all be used to help people start a family. But despite the fact that it’s easier than ever for those suffering from infertility to become parents, there are…

  • Can I Fertilize a Donor Egg with Donor Sperm?

    Bringing a child into the world is something many people dream about, but achieving that dream is not always easy. There are many reasons why it might be difficult to conceive, including infertility, being a same-sex couple, or being single. Individuals and couples often turn to fertility specialists to help them achieve their goal of becoming…

  • Pregnancy Options for LGBTQ Couples

    Written By: Asian Egg Bank Baby options for same-sex couples have never been more available than they are today. At Asian Egg Bank, we believe all same-sex couples have the right to choose which family building option best suits their lifestyle and needs. Use of a Donor Egg During the egg donation process, a young woman…

  • The Asian Egg Bank Advantage

    It’s one of the most difficult decisions a couple struggling to conceive can make — which fertility service to choose. At Asian Egg Bank, we understand that this is not a decision someone should make lightly or quickly. The Asian Egg Bank Advantage Fertility services are a substantial investment and we believe you deserve to get your…

  • Are Frozen Donor Egg Cycles the Best Option for You?

    If there’s one thing we know at Asian Egg Bank, it’s that there’s no wrong way to make a family. Whether a child is born through adoption, surrogacy services, egg donation, or IVF, the only thing that matters is that he or she is healthy and happy. In an effort to bring the gift of…

  • The Difference Between IVF and Egg Donation

    When it comes to conceiving, there’s no one or right way to bring a child into the world. While it may be simple for some couples, others can try for years with little success. When conceiving naturally begins to seem unlikely, many couples will turn to assisted reproductive technology (ART). Understanding Infertility Infertility is an…

  • The Convenience of a Frozen Egg Cycle

    Until recently, fresh eggs were the most prevalent method for egg donations. However, recent advances in the way eggs are frozen, stored, and thawed have made frozen egg donation a viable and safe choice for many intended parents. Fresh vs Frozen Labeling eggs “fresh” or “frozen” has nothing to do with the egg’s health but, rather, when it…

  • Is the Frozen Egg Donation Process Safe?

    Even just a few decades ago, a woman struggling with infertility had very few (if any) options if she wished to have a child. Today, we’re proud to say that couples battling infertility have a world of options in front of them. One of the most popular options is to use donor eggs. If a woman can carry a…

  • Can I Freeze My Own Eggs if I’ve Previously Been a Donor?

    Whether because of financial stress, lack of a partner, or career ambitions, many women and couples (particularly millennials) are putting off having children. Recently the Center for Disease Control and Prevention released new data showing the national birthrate has dropped to an all-time low. And more incredibly, the number of women becoming first-time moms at 35 or older has…