Through egg donation, healthy women are able to provide those struggling with infertility an invaluable gift, all while being compensated for their time and generosity. It’s for these reasons that thousands of women inquire each year about egg donation.
And while becoming an egg donor is one of the most selfless things a woman can do, it can also feel a bit overwhelming at times. If you’re considering donation, now is the time to take the first step!
Egg Donor Requirements
Before you can seriously inquire about egg donation, it’s important to see if you meet the qualifications most credible banks will look for.
- Age between 21 and 31
- In overall good physical and mental health.
- A BMI between 19-29
- Non-smoker
- No history of drug or substance abuse
- No family history of potentially inherited genetic disorders
- Regular, healthy periods
- College educated
In addition to everything mentioned above, we’ve also found that donors of Asian descent are more likely to be chosen at Asian Egg Bank. That being said, we do accept egg donations from women of all races and ethnicities.
Becoming an Egg Donor
If you meet these requirements, you’re likely a good candidate for donation and should inquire about our 6 Step Donation Process.
If your initial screening and application are approved, you’ll be able to have your information listed in our egg donor database. Should you choose to be a frozen egg donor, you can begin hormone therapy soon after being added to our database. If you prefer to be a fresh egg donor, you will have to wait to begin treatment until you’re matched with an intended parent.
After several rounds of hormone therapy, your egg retrieval surgery will be scheduled. Typically, the procedure takes no more than 20 minutes and women are able to return home that same day.
Asian Egg Bank was established to meet the ever-rising demand for Asian egg donors. Having helped hundreds of couples experience the joy of parenthood, we’re proud to be the world’s largest Asian Egg Bank!
Give us a call at 858-381-3224 or visit us online for more information!